Thursday, January 20, 2011

- Thank you ALLAH -


      To lay all the blame on African governments is to imply that they alone control the destiny of their countries. The forces that have institutionalized hunger in Africa are made up of transnational corporations, Western governments, international agencies and African elites as well as the governments. Together they form a coalition whose lifestyles and interests are very different from those of Africa's rural majority. Over the decades, this coalition has implemented policies that have undermined food crops.

      Prices paid to farmers have been kept artificially low, thus providing cheap food to people in the cities, which reduced the likelihood of urban unrest and allowed urban employers to pay lower wages, but also stifled incentives for increased food production. Policy makers direct most agricultural assistance to cash crops, mainly benefiting large commercial interests. For example, with the implementation of structural adjustment programs in the 1980s, credit availability for small farmers has decreased dramatically.

      The fact that policy making is dominated by men, while most food (80%) is produced by women, also helps explain the low priority given to food crops. Most agricultural training and development assistance is directed towards men, neglecting women farmers. For example, agricultural extension services traditionally have been staffed by men, for men. A recent Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) study found that under 11 percent of agricultural extension workers are women.

      But food production can be increased, as developments in Zimbabwe have shown. After years of guerrilla war against a white minority government,Zimbabwe achieved independence in 1980. During the first few years the government of Robert Mugabe raised the price paid for food crops and gave small farmers credit so that they could purchase seeds, fertilizers, and tools. Although they did not reach all the family farmers in need, these programs led to a massive increase in food production. In 1985, despite several years of drought, small farmers not only fed their families, but they marketed twice as much as before, exporting to neighboring countries.

      Africa is a diverse continent with over 50 governments ranging from some who are blatantly anti-farmer to those genuinely trying to help the poor majority. But in every nation it can be said that only when the majority gain control of their country's resources will we see an end to policies that systematically impoverish people and leave them vulnerable to natural disasters.
sources :

Thank to ALLAH. This case is not happening in Malaysia. Just imagine if this situation occur in Malaysia. Ahh. Don't know want to say. Please kindly appreciate all the 'nikmat' y'all have. Don't regret it after you lost them. Just waste of time. Human always not satisfied whatever things they have and only remember ALLAH in difficult situations. Hope we are not belong to this category. Think about it.

“Karena itu, ingatlah kamu kepada-Ku niscaya Aku ingat pula kepadamu, dan bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan janganlah kamu kufur terhadap (nikmat)-Ku.” (QS. 2: 152)

Catch up with you later !!!


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